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Worlds largest on-line photographic archive covering New York City.


Popular photographic and editorial databases: Frank Didik Editorial Photo Archives | New Product Reviews - First Look | Around New York Town | New York Photo Archive | Asia | Historic Asia (1850's-1920's) | Japan | Taiwan | Travel | NYC Building Photographs | Celebrities | Celebrities in 3D Stereo | Protest marches | Tropics | Cars | Electric cars | Furniture | Store Fronts | 1960's | NYC bars & clubs | Eastern Europe | Western Europe | Paris | Croatia | Technology | World Trade Center Archives | Alternative Energy | People | Stock Film Footage Database | Historic Events | Alternative Energy | virtual reality city | City Scapes | NYC at night | NYC Bridges | City Hall Area | SoHo | Crowds | Police supervised events | NYC Skyline | Washington Square Park | Formal Events | Blackout | Meat Market | ChinaTown | Times Square Area | Central Park | Political Demonstrations | NYC in the Winter | Midtown | NYC Building Photo Index | Hurricane Irene | DUMBO | Rockefeller Center | Review samples of our NYC stock photographs | Building owners in NYC | New York City | License a Photograph | Custom Photograph 24/7 | NEWS MEDIA LOGIN | Building Photo's To report a news event or story, request 24/7 Press Access, or purchase or license a Photograph, commission a program or documentary, video or photography or any other topic, please contact at: inq [ at ] or call

Old and no longer relevant stories

Eric Adams was sworn in as the City of New York's 110 mayor on January 1st, 2022. Most New Yorkers are very hopeful that new Mayor Adam's will again put the city on the right track. Unfortunately, under the leadership of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio, the city experienced a significant rise in crime, lower freedoms, neglect in many infrastructure areas and concerns about the education of the children. Mayor Adam's has promised to reinstitute the much needed NYPD street division, refund the police department to bring back law and order. We are all hopeful that Mayor Adams will reinvigorate our city and be the shining light for the country. endorsed Mr. Eric Adams to be the next mayor for the City of New York. Mr. Adams has served New York City in many capacities including being a police officer, a state senator and presently the Brooklyn Borough President. I can testify that Mr. Adams has gone out of his way to serve the people of New York. For example, he made is a point to personally come and attend relatively small, downtown Brooklyn community meetings. He was so modest, that many people did not realize that he was the Brooklyn Borough President. is confident that Mr. Adams will be the mayor for all the people in New York City and will bring back law and order, encourage business activity and continue to make New York City the envy of the world. We endorse Mr. Eric Adams as the next Mayor for the City of New York.

Massive inflation coming?
Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2021. At the start of 2020, it was estimated that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast "printing" of additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced enough for everyone, without pressure on the market. January 1, 2022 update: Unfortunately, my analysis was wrong. I did not take into consideration several important labor factors. First, when it was permitted to return to work, many workers refused since a new requirement was pushed, that is that the workers had to submit to the experimental Covid-19 vaccination and many workers refused because of fears regarding the possibility of short and long term safety of the vaccination. Further some refused that vaccination since aborted fetal cells were used in some steps in the development of the vaccination. Another issue, particularly in lower paid jobs, is that people became used to the extra money that they had been given while on job furlows and now refuse to return to low paying jobs, that do not pay enough to live a basic standard of living. These factors have greatly disrupted supply chain, not only in the United States but on a global basis.

For Historic Purposes. World Trade Center attack Unedited narration by Frank X. Didik who was an eye witness photo journalist, in close proximity. Elements of Mr. Didik's observation and photographs are in the official U.S. Congressional investigation of the attack. September 11, 2001 Read more

Question: If people who are protesting are paid to protest, is it really a protest?

Question: If a humanitarian organization is paid for their services, are they really a humanitarian organization?

Question: If a charity receives most or all of its money from the government, is it really a charity considering that the tax payer is paying for their services?

On Business

Investing in Startups. Good idea or bad? Is investing in a Startup, that has never proven itself in the market place, a good idea or a waste of money (and talent)? Historically, investors invested in companies that were swamped with orders and making money, but needed additional money to ... read more ...

Most efficient brain-storming method and how to make morning office meetings more productive and interesting ... read more ...

Superior advertising results

Producing the very best and most effective TV commercials The single purpose of a television commercial is to sell the product or service. The fact that an advertisement might be interesting, funny, informative or well produced is secondary to the main purpose, which is to sell the product or service. One should never leave the creation of the television commercial to the television producer or the video editor. ... read more ...

Building the most effective business websites Never let a "web designer" develop the website for you. A web designer should be produce the website under the supervision of an on line marketing master, usually working with ... read more ...


An excellent selection of photographs and commentary, primarily from New York City:

Main Page and index to more recent months

Christmas season 2021
Holloween October 2021 September October 2021
July August 2021 Defeat in Afghanistan, NYC Vax passport, new rules to prevent unvaccinated from entering restuarants, social events
June 2021 New York Opens up for summer and about the Tokyo Olympics
Late May 2021 NYC is coming back to life.
Early May 2021 Covid hysteria is dying down and people are beginning to live life
April 2021 NYC and the World
March 2021 Life in NYC getting back to a new normal
February 2021 Snow, cold, people getting used to the socalled "New Normal". Relative calm in NYC
January 2021 Protests around the United States including in Washington DC, NYC Snow storms, eating outside in the cold in NYC
Christmas Time 2020 Christmas time 2020, election results between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Protests and more
Summer and Fall 2020 Happenings around New York City in relative calm
May and June 2020 Massive protests, looting and rioting by the groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Also shows the after effects of a boarded up city.
March and April 2020 An empty, silent New York City from March and April, 2020
Earlier months and years
Photographic Index from around the world

Early New York City Building Photographs from 1995 to 2005 (Pre Street view)


Frank Didik photo-design websites: New York: Asia: DESIGN:
 Tel: +1
Exit Program | Product Photography samples | Photography Assignments 24/7 | Contact
VIDEO FOOTAGE A limited amount of modern and historic video footage is available for tv programs.

NYC Building PhotoIndex Index Photographs of buildings, one after another This incredible archive contains almost 100,000 photographs of buildings in Manhattan
World Trade Center
DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge
Rockefeller Center
Frank Didik's photographs have appeared in advertisements, publications and in the media, world-wide.

City Scapes
NYC at nightpt0079.JPG
NYC Bridges

City Hall Area
Alternate Energy
Police supervised events
NYC Skylinept0092.JPG
Washington Square Park
Formal Eventspt0087.JPG

Product photography jewelry cosmetics

Meat Market
Times Square Area night, summer, winterpt0071.JPG
Central Park
Various Political Demonstrations
NYC in the Winterpt0091.JPG
Stock video film footage

Celebrities in 3D Stereo!
 World Trade Center Horror

Other categories: People | Children | Fashion | Advertising, Branding and Marketing | Animals | Workplace | Office | Construction | Sports | Automobiles | Aircraft | Stairs | Windows | Doors | Holidays | Shopping | Sales | Seasons | Contact

An excellent selection of photographs and commentary from 2020, primarily from New York City:

Main Page and index to more recent months
April 2021 NYC and the World
March 2021 Life in NYC getting back to a new normal
February 2021 Snow, cold, people getting used to the socalled "New Normal". Relative calm in NYC
January 2021 Protests around the United States including in Washington DC, NYC Snow storms, eating outside in the cold in NYC
Christmas Time 2020 Christmas time 2020, election results between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Protests and more
Summer and Fall 2020 Happenings around New York City in relative calm
May and June 2020 Massive protests, looting and rioting by the groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Also shows the after effects of a boarded up city.
March and April 2020 An empty, silent New York City from March and April, 2020
Earlier months and years
Photographic Index from around the world
Early New York City Building Photographs from 1995 to 2005 (Pre Street view)

Business • Economic • Events • Reference
inq [ at ]
or call

Copyright© 1977 - 2021 by Frank X. Didik, All Rights Reserved


Subway barriers: New York, NY January 21, 2022 With falling and being pushed onto the subway tracks becoming a daily occurrence, it is time to promptly install subway barriers / gates on all 480 subway and elevated stations. Frank Didik, who has been desperately pushing subway gates to the MTA and other agencies since over a decade points out that hundreds of people could have been saved over this period of time. Further, thousands of people could have been spared hideous, life transforming injuries, including by MTA workers. Further, the MTA could have avoided paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in liability, that could have already paid for the entire subway gate system.

Subway Safety-Subway Gate Every year hundreds of people are killed or severely injured when they fall onto the tracks of trains and subways. The prevention is cost efficient and greatly reduces liability ... read more ...

Greatly reduce train noise A significant amount of train noise is caused by the train wheels rolling over the expansion joint of the tracks. This vibration creates noise, vibrations, an less pleasant ride and also reduces the life cycle of the train. The solution is relatively simple and cost more

Covid/Corona Virus
News and opinions on the Corona Virus and it's effect on society and the economy has moved to the following page: Click Here

Inflation is back with a vengeance. Just a month ago, wrongly predicted that inflation would be minimal, even with the massive "printing" of "money". Apparently, our analysis was completely wrong..inflation is back and is as sever, if not more so, than the 1980-1982. Items such as housing purchases, used automobiles, fuel and food has increase has been astounding ranging from 15% to over 35% more than just one year ago.

Eric Adams was sworn in as the City of New York's 110 mayor on January 1st, 2022. Most New Yorkers are very hopeful that new Mayor Adam's will again put the city on the right track. Unfortunately, under the leadership of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio, the city experienced a significant rise in crime, lower freedoms, neglect in many infrastructure areas and concerns about the education of the children. Mayor Adam's has promised to reinstitute the much needed NYPD street division, refund the police department to bring back law and order. We are all hopeful that Mayor Adams will reinvigorate our city and be the shining light for the country. endorsed Mr. Eric Adams to be the next mayor for the City of New York. Mr. Adams has served New York City in many capacities including being a police officer, a state senator and presently the Brooklyn Borough President. I can testify that Mr. Adams has gone out of his way to serve the people of New York. For example, he made is a point to personally come and attend relatively small, downtown Brooklyn community meetings. He was so modest, that many people did not realize that he was the Brooklyn Borough President. is confident that Mr. Adams will be the mayor for all the people in New York City and will bring back law and order, encourage business activity and continue to make New York City the envy of the world. We endorse Mr. Eric Adams as the next Mayor for the City of New York.

From the right, Frank Didik, Dr. Eric Bitterman, Chairman of Deutche Welle, Dr. Jachem Reppmann, and publisher Walter at the Von Steuben formal event in New York City. Though Frank Didik does not have any German background, he enjoys the inginuety and drive of the German people.

Frank X. Didik with former NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and first lady Chirlane McCray, at Gracy Mansion. Former Mayor DeBlasio served two terms in office and then as per term limits, had to leave office at the end of his second term. Mr DeBlasio original birth name (May 8, 1961) was Warren Wilhelm Jr. and later used the name Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm and then finally adapted his mother's maiden name DeBlasio and today is commonly known as Bill DeBlasio. Mr.DeBlasio was succeeded as mayor on Jnuary 1st, 2022 by new mayor Eric Adams, who became New York City's 110 mayor.

Global trade agreements have failed the United States and has destroyed the US standard of living read more

Collapse in the standard of living I believe that the standard of living in the United States was highest in the early 1960's. In 1962, the average 35 year old working man was able to support a wife, 3 or 4 children, own a house in the suburbs, have 2 cars and had enough money to go on a vacation once or twice a year. Today, it takes two highly educated people working to buy a small one or two bedroom coop or condo, car ownership is rare and they can only afford to have one or two children at more

Social Media or Vanity Media With the development of the so called smart phone, a new phenomenon of "social media" has developed that caters to the vanity and inner ego of millions read more

Covid has become political Back in February of 2020, Covid 19 was presented as a deadly pandemic that many said would kill off a sizable read more

Bicycle Lanes favors the young and healthy, while inconveniencing older citizens, drivers and delivery trucks. Further, for the most part, they are rarely utilized during the winter months... read more

Fact Checkers "Fact Checkers" present an opinion rather than absolute fact. Further, who will fact check the fact checkers"? Recently read more

Is it wrong be judgmental? Further, should a person express unsolicited opinions to others? The fact is that everyone read more

Congestion Pricing favors the upper income people and will significantly reduce local business, while pushing middle class drivers to shop elsewhere that does not have this burdensome tax. Ultimately this will work against the city.

Misinformation does not mean a lie, but rather is a way to undermine a different perspective that is not in keeping with the pushed narrative. Thus something that is described as "misinformation" may or many not be true, but contradicts the official mainstream perspective or undermines the direction of the mainstream agenda. Frank Didik, February 1, 2022

A reminder to fellow citizens When you walk down the street, just remember that every person who you pass by, regardless of their race or physical appearance, or if they are rich or poor, has their own goals and aspirations, trials and tribulations and each person must be treated with basic respect and dignity.

It is essential to individualize and not generalize. Each group has their good and bad and one must not fall into the trap of assuming that everyone in a particular group is the same or thinks the same. Sometimes in our rush or arrogance, we forget these basic truths.

DO NOT DEFUND THE POLICE With skyrocketing crime, it is clear that NYC must have an effective and well funded NYPD otherwise we will be like the wild west.

Remote working, office space, the diminished need for employees Frank X. Didik, January 1, 2020 It is fascinating to note that as a result of the government imposed Covid-19 restrictions, that for a period of time, an estimated 30% of the population was out of work, and yet the country did not experience any long term shortages, in any area. One might say that this is a wake-up call for companies to show them that they have too many redundant employees. read more

Evolution of American English Accents I have noticed that accents evolve very quickly. If you were to watch a movie from the 1930's, 1940's or any other time, you will notice that people from each period have distinct accents. Recently, I have noticed that first generation Americans, who perhaps grew up in bilingual families, for example Polish or Chinese families, have a distinct, new American accent. I presume that over time, everyone's accent will be significantly different in years to come. Frank Didik, February 1, 2022

Massive inflation coming?
Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2021. At the start of 2020, it was estimated that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast "printing" of additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced enough for everyone, without pressure on the market. January 1, 2022 update: Unfortunately, my analysis was wrong. I did not take into consideration several important labor factors. First, when it was permitted to return to work, many workers refused since a new requirement was pushed, that is that the workers had to submit to the experimental Covid-19 vaccination and many workers refused because of fears regarding the possibility of short and long term safety of the vaccination. Further some refused that vaccination since aborted fetal cells were used in some steps in the development of the vaccination. Another issue, particularly in lower paid jobs, is that people became used to the extra money that they had been given while on job furlows and now refuse to return to low paying jobs, that do not pay enough to live a basic standard of living. These factors have greatly disrupted supply chain, not only in the United States but on a global basis.

NYC heat wave
NYPD Chief of Department attacked
Thousands of New Yorkers are leaving
A new job apprenticeships website
New Federal hiring guidelines
NYPD shows extreme professionalism and restraint Read more
NYC under curfew read more
Stores looted May 31, 2020 read more
Protests erupt in NYC read more
Congress proposesTRACE Act read more
History of Corona Virus read more
Gasoline & fuel prices plumet read more
Covid-19 April 2020 news. read more
Corona Shut-down read more
Congress aproves of2 trillion read more
Protestors object to shutdown read more
Photographs of empty New York Citymore
Federal reserve on Covid-19 read more

Prior News

For Historic Purposes. World Trade Center attack Unedited narration by Frank X. Didik who was an eye witness photo journalist, in close proximity. Elements of Mr. Didik's observation and photographs are in the official U.S. Congressional investigation of the attack. September 11, 2001 Read more


Cell Phone Etiquette
Advice for the modern person - December 9, 2016 read more

Time to Rethink Bike Lanes
Advice for bicyle based cities
 - August 3, 2016 read more

Science and Education
Rethinking school and our education system

Should everyone attend college or university? ... read more ...

Can a college or a university really teach a person to be a businessman or an artist or good in any particular field? ... read more ...

How come all college undergraduate degree's require four years? Should some degrees require only one year while others perhaps six years? ... read more ...

What courses should and should not be taught at college or university? Can college or a university teach a person how to be a good business person, or how to be creative? ... read more ...

Reason, Logic and intellect is not reliable. The late Christopher Hitchens often stated that we should rely on our logic, reason and intellect to determine the truth. Many people who pride themselves as educated, intelligent and progressive believe the same. As reasonable as this seems, Galileo proved over 400 years ago that our logic, reason and intellect is unreliable and that only direct experimental data, should be relied upon. Galileo had dropped two balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground at the same time, rather than the heavier ball hitting the ground first, as almost everyone, including Aristotle, 2000 years ago, had assumed. Our logic, reason and intellect is not reliable and should only be viewed as speculation. Only direct experimentation and obtaining the same results, over and over again should be relied upon.


There is an alternative to population control. Restricting and discouraging the formation of families in order to stabilize or reduce population infringes on the freedom and rights of every human. There is another much better more ...

Questioning the results of modern science. For the last 100 years, we have been experiencing the collapse of real science. Theories, speculation and fantasy is the norm today. By definition, the scientific method is the ability to test and re-test and always get the same results, over and over. If an idea or a theory can not be tested, the idea must be viewed as speculation and not considered true, till that idea is proven without a doubt. Scientific theory has moved to areas that are beyond our present capability of testing and gradually a number of unproven theories have become accepted as fact without any real proof. Further, new theories have been developed based on old theories. Thus we have a situation where science today is largely based on theory upon theory. If something can not be proven, it falls into the realm of philosophy rather than science. This has led more ...

What if time varies along with all things, rather than being a constant? Consider more ...

Can the speed of light vary, even if traveling under the same conditions, or in other words, is the speed of light really a constant? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a constant but more ...

Science and media hype: Any sudden "revolutionary" scientific discovery, even if such discovery is written about in every newspaper and scientific journal, should be greeted with skepticism. Such a discovery should only be accepted after the bulk of scientists have have had a chance to review the discovery and confirm that it is in fact correct. Such things that come to mind include cold fusion, the so called "God Particle" and even the recent stated discovery of a "gravitational wave". All too often such media hype has come and gone without any real discovery or fundamental change. more ...

What percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate and true? Are we in a post science period? Many science books today present more ...

It is time to retest scientific properties. Verify results. I suggest that the properties of all materials be re-tested using modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of materials should be re-tested more ...

Honesty and integrity in scientific research is essential in order to advance our knowledge base. When a scientist has worked for years to prove a particular theory and finds out that their work hasbeen in vain, it is difficult to admit that their original assumptions were wrong. Still it is vitally important more ...


Old and no longer relevant stories Click here



(New York City, USA)
Copyright© 1977 - 2020 by Frank X. Didik, All Rights Reserved



News. World news today. photo archive, true news, what is happening, pure, accurate, reasonable, liberal, conservative, middle, radical, pleasant, wtc, Iraq, count, live, wire, inews, internet, photobarnk, library, antiquarian, documentaries, films, movies, dvd, infomercials, 1970's, 1980's, 1960's, eames, tokyo, london, paris, moscow, osaka, asia, japan, usa, europe, euro,, News1 Newsone. Germany, France, UK, England, Italy, Russia, News one. Photo bank photo database. New York City NYC, NYT, AP, UPI, Rueters, Bloomberg, Japan Today, japan times, nikkei, yomiuri, bbc, nippon, dw-world, Deutsche Wella, German World Service, newsday, wire, telegraph, afp, Agency France Presse, sky, usatoday, washington report, post, daily, dawn, China, Formosa, Hong Kong, guardian, independent, mirror, cnn, abc, cbs, video, television, editing, news director, reporter, reporters, investigation, corporate, corporation, insider, wall street, business, political, financial, travel, camera, stereo, photo, celebrities, photo, foto, pix, pictures, image, images, graphics, graphic, wtc, world trade center, horror, manhattan, brooklyn, queens, lenticular, Shinbon, Asahi.

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