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and Breaking News |
and commentary. Frank
X. Didik/Editorial Board
facts and only the facts, without editorialization or opinion on key topics
you today in the United States and the world.
You decide what to believe.
Media outlets please request internal access by contacting us at media
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photographs and commentary by Frank X. Didik unless otherwise noted

New York, NY April
24, 2021
Washington Square Park |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
He writes poems
upon request |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
With 74F/23C
weather, Washington Square Park is packed |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
Washington Square
Park in Greenwich Village is always packed with a wide variety of
people and is almost like a free show. |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
Beautiful Park
Avenue lives up to its name with amazing flowers along the entire way. |

New York, NY April
24, 2021 The model boat pond in Central Park |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
Central Park is in
full bloom and is worth visiting and relaxing. |

New York, NY April
24, 2021 |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
This gentleman has
been blowing bubbles and amazing children for many years. |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
Central Park |

New York, NY April
24, 2021
People enjoying
Central Park and the 74F weather. |

New York, NY April
24, 2021 |

New York, NY April
23, 2021 Apparently the northern part of Ethiopia, known as Tigray,
are under fierce attack from the central Ethiopian Government. |

New York, NY April
23, 2021
The leader of the
Ethiopian government, Mr. Abiy Ahmed, who had won the Nobel Peace
Prize and who is said to be unelected, declared war on Tigray on
November 4, 2020. |

New York, NY April
23, 2021
These protesters
are claiming that the federal Ethiopian troops are conducting a
campaign of rape and genocide among the 7 million ethic Tigrayan
people. None of this could be verified, however a journalist who just
returned from Ethiopia and who is known to stated that he
was discouraged from going toTigray and that he saw many people armed
with AK47 machine guns along the way. |
London April
24, 2021 According to the New York Post, the London Mayoral race
is looking to the NYPD as an inspiration of lowering their
skyrocketing crime problem. London, which in the past was considered
a very safe city, is no longer thought as such. They believe that the
NYPD Domain Awareness System is the best way to track London's
criminals. The key competing parties in London are blaming current
mayor Sadiq Khan for the increase in crime and surprisingly compare
him with current New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.
April 23, 2021 It was
announced that President Biden's new economic plan will pay
individuals who suffer adverse reactions to the Covid vaccinations,
if they are forced to stop working. Details have not yet been announced.
Ottawa Canada
April 23, 2021 The Canadian government has introduced the first
ever internet censorship bill to filter "hate speech" and
"hurtful speech". Some feel that this censorship is akin to
the worse in totalitarian governments. The bill will be considered in
Parliament in the next few weeks.
April 22, 2021
Black Lives Matter protestors defaced the USS Maine National Monument
on 59 Street, in front of Central Park, with anti police graffiti.
April 22, 2021
Approximately 60 percent of all new Covid cases are occurring in
people who have already been vaccinated according to a new study by
Yale University.
April 22, 2021
Former President Trump is encouraging everyone to take the Covid
vaccination. The announced that refusing the Covid-19
Vaccination is "deranged pseudoscience".
April 22, 2021
President Biden is planning to increase the capital gains tax by 50%
for people who have greater than 1 million in Capital Gains in one
year. Thus the new rate will be 43.4% from the existing 20% while in
some states, such as New York, the new rate will be 52.2% while in
California, it will be 56.7%. This means that if you sell your house
or apartment that has more than a million dollars of capital gains,
you will be subject to this tax. Many elderly people purchased their
homes for $25,000 to $100,000 and because of relatively high
inflation over the years, the value is now over a million. What they
thought was their next egg, has will be cut in half by this plan.
April 22, 2021
A sign at George Floyd Square is Apparently blatantly racist
anti-white. the sign gives white people and only white people special
instructions on how to act and behave.

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021
A film is being
planned about Mr. Fugate-Wilcox's life. Two years ago, there was an
interesting, though unauthorized book written about him that made the
New York Times list. |

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021 Radio commentator Garrett S. Roche, giving a very
interesting talk at the new Shakespeare-Fulcrum art center. Did you
know that Hudson, NY was the very first incorporated city in the
United States? I am not sure what does incorporated mean, however I
thought that St. Augustines in Florida was the first city. |

Hudson, NY April 22, 2021 |

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021
In the late
1960's, Mr. Tery Fugate Wilcox started the Gene Freedman gallery with
his wife Valerie Shakespeare The only problem was that the gallery
never existed, yet was constantly in various art world magazines! In
1971, the founders of the first Earth Day wrote a letter to the non
existent gallery asking permission to exhibit there! |

Hudson, NY April 22, 2021
The famous artist/visionary Mr. Tery Fugate Wilcox in
his new art center in Hudson New York. He is a very interesting
scientist/artist/visionary. If you are not yet familiar with him or
his work, go to |

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021
Mr. Fugate-Wilcox
was the center of the avant-gard in New York City along with his late
wife Valerie Shakespeare. Their Studio below the former Soho
Guggenheim Museum was a focal point in the art world. |

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021
His Tribeca home,
which was a converted 2 story garage structure, was a hangout to the
leading artists, designers, and musicians from the 1960's to the
early 2000's.

Hudson, NY April
22, 2021
Fulcrum. The front does not truly show the interesting art center. |

New York, NY April
21, 2021
Fanelli restaurant
packed on a warm night |

New York, NY April
21, 2021
Gasoline prices
have stabilized fro the moment, after shooting up by 40% since December. |
April 22, 2021
The cost of construction materials has skyrocketed, as a result of
the construction of the countless out door anti-Covid shelters. For
example the price of 3/4" plywood has jumped from under $40 per
sheet to just under $100 per sheet since March, 2020.
April 21,
2021 Olympics
International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that athletes
will not be allowed to show any political gestures on the podium,
such as taking the knee or raise the fist, in the Tokyo 2020 or the
Beijing 2022 Olympics. The IOC had come under significant pressure to
ease such restrictions as outlined in item 50 in the Olympic charter,
however, after careful consideration, they have decided to continue
the ban. Political gestures have been shown by winning Olympic
athletes a number of times in the past, such as two African-American
athletes who raised their fists in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, in
support of black power. The United States Olympic Committee have
stated that they will not punish athletes for making political gestures.
New York, NY
April 21, 2021 Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.
will not prosecute prostitution cases. He appeared today virtually
before Judge Charlotte Davidson to vacate 5,994 bench warrants and
dismiss the underlying charges of prostitution, unlicensed massage
polars and loitering for the purpose of prostitution. The motion was
granted and all cases going as far back as 1975 has been dropped.
New York, NY
April 20,
2021 Spontaneous
celebrations broke out around New York City, including around the
Barclays Center in Brooklyn, on the Manhattan Bridge and a march from
Tompkins Square Park to Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village,
Manhattan. There were also cheers from buildings as well as cars
honking their horns. Some say that the spectacle should be viewed as
morbid since why should true justice be celebrated.
Brooklyn, NY
April 20,
2021 According to the New York Post, Black Lives Matter
protesters started to scream at diners at a restaurant Maya Taqueria
in Prospect Heights, which has been in the neighborhood for eleven
years. The mob screamed anti white hate slogans including telling the
people to "stay the F--k outta New York".
Minneapolis, MN
April 20,
2021 Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin is found guilty on
all accounts, of killing George Floyd. Chauvin, who was in the
process of arresting Mr. Floyd for allegedly passing counterfeit
money, had placed his knee on Mr. Floyds neck for over 9 minutes, as
shown on a video, even though Mr. Floyd stated that he could not
breath. Apparently an EMS (Emergency Medical Service) person was also
not permitted to help Mr. Floyd during this period. All of the was
captured on Video. Records show that Mr. Floyd had an extensive
police record and had been sentenced to jail 9 times, for armed
robbery, drugs and other offenses. Mr. Floyd's death in March, 2020
resulted in riots and looting around the country, including extensive
looting in New York City, particularly in fashionable Soho and around
Macy's on 34 Street in Manhattan. These events have contributed to
racial strife around the country. There is also fear that police
around the country will be afraid to enforce the law and further that
the conviction of former P.O. Chauvin might be viewed by some as a
license for lawlessness. Most believe that the conviction will be appealed.
New York, NY
April 19,
2021 Today
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea announced a new partnership wish a
diverse panel of community leaders as part of the NYPD's ongoing
efforts to ensure vigorous enforcement of hate crimes and ultimate
justice for New Hork Victims.
Canada, April 19,
2021 Canadian police are apparently refusing to enforce
Ontario's new Covid-19 lockdown laws, that some are claiming the laws
represent a police state. The stated purpose of the new lockdown laws
is to contain the spread of a claimed new variant of Covid 19.
New York, NY
April 16, 2021 Mayor Bill de Blasio stated today at a press
conference in City Hall that those who tested positive for Covid-19
in New York City has dropped below 5 percent and now stands at 4.91
percent of those tested.
New York, NY
April 16, 2021 Governor
Andrew M. Cuomo administration has introduced new rules for health
care workers and senior center workers regarding the Covid-19
vaccination. Apparently a significant number of such health care
workers are declining the vaccination. From now on, if a health care
worker declines to be vaccinated, they will be required to fill out a
form indicating this desire. It will be the responsibility of the
nursing home or health care facility to insure that the form has been
filled out otherwise the facility can be fined. Currently all
vaccines authorized for use in the Untied States, as of this writing,
are experimental with clinical trails continuing. These vaccines are
permitted under the Emergency Use Authorization mandate.
any photograph to enlarge. Press the return key on your browser to
return to this screen
photographs by Frank X. Didik unless otherwise note
York, NY April 18, 2021 Well respected street performer Chris Fernandez |
York, NY April 17, 2021 New York, NY This gentleman is riding a 1915
Swiss Army bicycle that he that he restore, fifteen years ago. A very
interesting bicycle. |
York, NY April 17, 2021 New York, NY The flowers and cherry blossoms
are in full bloom, unaffected by the Covid hysteria, gripping some
New Yorkers. |
York, NY April 17, 2021 New York, NY A memorial for a suspect who
died while being arrested, in another state. |
are so many varieties of street enclosures, ranging from simple to mini-mansions.
The construction of such a vast number of such structures has vastly
pushed up the price of lumber across the country. |
CT. April 15, 2021 Connecticut lawmakers are scheduled to
vote on repealing religious exemptions to vaccine mandates. It is not
sure if this would be a violation of the U.S. Constitution regarding
religious liberty.
Olympics The
2020 Tokyo Olympics, is scheduled to start on July 23 and run till
August 8, 2021. The
Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games will be held from August 24 to September
5, 2021. The
Tokyo 2020 Olympic was postponed from last year because of the Covid
virus hysteria. This is not the first time that the Tokyo Olympics
were postponed or canceled. The 1940 Tokyo Olympics was cancelled.
The planning for the 1940 Tokyo Olympics started in 1932. In 1938,
the head of the Japanese Diet wanted to cancel the Olympics because
of the recent start of the second Sino-Nippon war, but Tokyo
continued to build the stadiums, mostly in the area of what is now
Yoyogi Park. Originally, the Germans were going to fly the burning
Olympic torch on their newly developed Messerschmitt Me 261 that had
the extremely long range of about 7,000miles (11,500km). In the end,
the 1940 Tokyo Olympics was cancelled, however the 1940 East Asian
Games were held in Tokyo.

A few of the many
1940 Tokyo Olympic posters
1964, the Olympics were held in Tokyo and it was spectacular. Japan
did everything possible to show the world that it had overcome the
extreme destruction of World War II and was on a global footing. The
original stadiums build in Yoyogi Park were expanded and modernized.
The Japanese infrastructure was completely revamped and modernized.
New highways were built and Japan showed the famous "bullet
trans" that were capable of traveling the then astounding speed
of 125 miles per hour (200km/hr). Today the Shinkonsen speed along
much faster at over 200 miles per hour and are arguably Japan has the
best train system in the world. As a side note, Commodore Perry in
1853 brought to Japan a small steam engine and enough track to travel
from Tokyo to Yokohama and this was one of many gifts given to the
pre-Meji Japan, in exchange for opening up the country for limited
trade with the United States. Many companies companies in Japan
produced exciting new products that were essentially showcased by the
1964 Olympics. For example, many of the automobile companies that had
been building small cars, suddenly offered new sports cars. Honda
started to greatly push their motorcycles in the USA and even camera
and electronic companies introduced new products. Everyone around in
Japan and around the world were excited about these improvements.
There were many first in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. It was the very
first time that live TV broadcasts were shown from Japan to the
United States, going through the newly launched Relay 1 satellite.
This was considered an amazing achievement back then. Surprisingly,
at the height of the "cold war", East and West Germany
competed in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as a single team. They had also
done so in 1956 and 1960. This was to be the last time during the
cold war that they would compete together. Japan had indeed arrived.
very few people are excited about the 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics,
including the people in Tokyo who are now forced to pay a higher tax
to finance this. Further, it is possible that with globalization, the
notion of nations competing against one another is no longer that
relevant. The same has happened to the early Worlds Fairs that today
have mostly lost their luster.
NOTE: is planning a presence at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. If you
are a media outlet and need representation or exclusive
images and editorials covering the Olympics, please contact us.
York, NY April 15, 2021 Repair work on the Manhattan Bridge. |
York, NY April 14, 2021 Nighttime in Washington Square Park. |
York, NY April 4, 2021 People enjoying a beautiful, warm day in New
York City. |
York, NY April 4, 2021 Apparently this man has boxed himself in,
possibly out of fear of Covid |
York, NY April 2, 2021 Another memorial . |
New York, NY
April 15, 2021 According
to the New York Post, nearly 6,000 fully vaccinated Americans
acquired virus Covid, out of about 66 million vaccinated people in
the USA.
Columbia. April 14,
2021 One person died and three people suffered neurological
impairment after receiving a Covid vaccination in a tiny indigenous
village. An estimated 7,000 deaths in Europe and 3,000 deaths have
been reported in the United States after receiving the vaccination.
More research is being done to determine if the vaccine was the cause
of these unusual events.
April 13,
2021 The United States government has called for a pause on
the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, in response to alleged blood clots
and other ailments said to possibly be attributed to this vaccine. It
should be noted that all vaccines authorized for use in the Untied
States, as of this writing, are experimental with clinical trails
continuing. These vaccines are permitted under the Emergency Use
Authorization mandate.
It was reported on on January 15, 2021 that long term mask use breeds
microbes that infiltrate the lungs and can contribute to lung cancer.
huge ball in front of Macy's Department store on 34 Street. The area
in front of the store has become a pedestrian area. |
York, NY April 2, 2021 One of the many types of street enclosures
that has popped up around the city. |
York, NY April 2, 2021 Assuming that Covid is as widespread and
viral as stated, it is a matter of debate if these enclosures are effective. |
York, NY April 2, 2021 Cute, but do these enclosures have any real,
proven, scientific purpose? |
York, NY March 30, 2021 People enjoying a warm day bicycle riding in
the park. |
York, NY April
2021 Governor
Andrew M. Cuomo announced "Vaccinate NY" campaign and at
the same time repealed the controversial law that shielded nursing
home and other essential businesses from Covid related lawsuits.
York, NY April
2021 The New York State Vaccine
Passport has come under fire for allegedly having serious security
flaws and allegedly private medical data of uses can be accessed by
anyone with just their name, date of birth and zip code. Apparently a
significant number of people are opposed to any form of vaccine passport.
York, NY April
2021 According
to the New York Post, 246 fully vaccinated Michigan residents ended
up contracting Covid-19 and three people died.
An excellent selection of photographs
and commentary from 2020, primarily from
New York City:
Page and index to more recent months
2021 NYC
and the world
2021 Life
in NYC getting back to a new normal
2021 Snow,
cold, people getting used to the socalled "New Normal".
Relative calm in NYC
Protests around the United States including in Washington DC, NYC
Snow storms, eating outside in the cold in NYC
Time 2020 Christmas
time 2020, election results between Donald Trump and Joe Biden,
Protests and more
and Fall 2020
Happenings around New York City in relative calm
and June 2020 Massive
protests, looting and rioting by the groups Antifa and Black Lives
Matter. Also shows the after effects of a boarded up city.
and April 2020
An empty, silent New York City from March and April, 2020
months and years
Index from around the world
New York City Building Photographs from 1995 to 2005 (Pre Street view) |
Didik photo-design
websites: New
Program |
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Photography Assignments 24/7 | Contact
FOOTAGE A limited amount of modern and historic video footage is
available for tv programs.
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Economic Events Reference
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1977 - 2021 by Frank X. Didik, All Rights Reserved |
X. Didik with NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and first lady Chirlane
McCray, at Gracy Mansion.
The Tokyo Olympics are set to start on July 23, 2021 and run till
August 8. The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games will be held from August 24
to September 5, 2021.
Apparently, inflation is back, though not as severe as in 1980-1982. Items
such as housing purchases, used automobiles, fuel and food has
increased by a fairly high amount, with some estimating this to be
about 15% over the past four months.
the vaccination works, why must people still wear masks and why the
need for a "Vaccination Passport"? Obviously,
if someone decides not to take the vaccine, THEY are the one's who
might be at risk. Why would people NOT want to take this potentially
life saving vaccination? There are a number of reasons including that
some of the vaccinations used aborted baby's/fetuses, some people
question how a vaccination can be developed in two months, while the
average time it takes to develop a vaccine is 13 years and some
people feel that there is not any need to take it considering that
the recovery rate is just under 100%. Finally, some people feel that
the risks of permanent injury or death from the vaccine, outweighs
the risks from the potential of getting the vaccine. The concept of
"my body, my choice also seems to be a factor to decline taking
the vaccine. Presently about 50% of the United States has taken or
plans to take the vaccine.
inflation coming? Frank
X. Didik, January 2, 2020. At the start of 2020, it is estimated
that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of
January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast "printing" of
additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is
estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think
that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant
inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is
primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level
including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient
computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced
enough for everyone, without pressure on the market.
skyrocketing crime, it is clear that NYC must have an effective and
well funded NYPD otherwise we will be like the wild west.
between the current lock-downs and Prohibition Frank
X. Didik, January 2, 2020. Many
people feel that the shock of the lockdowns is unique in American
history. This is not the case. There have been many shocking, similar
instances of business closures or being greatly curtailed in American
history. Some examples include in 1919, with the introduction of
Prohibition, when all of the bars and liquor stores were suddenly
closed and it was impossible to legally purchase alcohol. Clearly it
was shocking when the leisurely pint after work and the closures of
bars, must have been shocking. Prohibition ended in 1933. During
World War 2, there were also many restrictions on rationing of many
previously common items such as meat, sugar, gasoline and other
items. Similar restrictions and shortages also occurred During the
Civil war of 1861-1865 and the Revolutionary War of 1775-1783.
working, office space, the diminished need for employees Frank
X. Didik, January 1, 2020 It
is fascinating to note that as a result of the government imposed
Covid-19 restrictions, that for a period of time, an estimated 30% of
the population was out of work, and yet the country did not
experience any long term shortages, in any area. One might say that
this is a wake-up call for companies to show them that they have too
many redundant employees. read
constant mask wearing reduce cognitive ability? Studies
have shown that people inhale between 7% and 12% of their exhaled
breath, with an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Does this cause minor cognitive
loss for the wearer over time? Further, over time, the masks quickly
become both moist as well as becomes a breading ground for bacteria.
Also, does the additional stress on the lungs to breath through a
filter effects the lungs? More studies must be performed to determine
if mask wearing causes biological issues as well as phychological
issues over time.
benefit large companies at the expense of small stores and
businesses Frank
X. Didik December 16, 2020
has become obvious that the lockdowns, imposed by most of the states
to control the spread of Covid-19, has clearly benefited large
companies, particularly on-line mega-companies, at the expense of
small, local businesses, that were forced to either close their doors
or greatly curtail their operations. It was estimated that these
small companies and stores represented about 60% of the economy. As a
result of the government imposed lockdowns, much of this bushiness
activity and wealth has been transferred, perhaps permanently, to the
on-line stores. This is rapidly creating a vastly different business
environment and potentially will reduce the ability of an individual
to start their own business in the future.
NYC heat
NYPD Chief of
Department attacked
Thousands of New
Yorkers are
A new job
apprenticeships website
New Federal hiring guidelines
NYPD shows extreme
professionalism and restraint Read
NYC under curfew read
Stores looted May
31, 2020 read
Protests erupt in
NYC read
proposesTRACE Act read
History of Corona
Virus read
Gasoline &
fuel prices plumet read
Covid-19 April
2020 news. read
Corona Shut-down read
Congress aproves
of2 trillion read
Protestors object
to shutdown read
Photographs of
empty New York Citymore
Federal reserve on
Covid-19 read
Some anti-police groups have called for the defunding of the police
around the country. Question: late at night, if you are traveling in
an empty subway car and two police officers come on, do you feel
threatened or are you relieved and hope that they stay on for the
duration of your trip? The answer is obvious. The police are
essential to maintaining order in any society.
Corona Paycheck
program read
salary protection read
censorship read
should be responsible for themselves and carry their own weight in society read

Safety-Subway Gate Every year hundreds of people are
killed or severely injured when they fall onto the tracks of trains
and subways. The prevention is cost efficient and greatly reduces liability ...
more ...

reduce train noise A significant
amount of train noise is caused by the train wheels rolling over the
expansion joint of the tracks. This vibration creates noise,
vibrations, an less pleasant ride and also reduces the life cycle of
the train. The solution is relatively simple and cost
more ...
What I have observed regarding the Corona Virus can be
read here. Further, my photographs of empty New York City, can be viewed
Demand caused
by Covid-19 lockdown? Unlikely. People are used to staying home, have
developed new habits, and after being out of work, will probably want
to save money.
Fears pushed in the media and other sources: What
ever happened to Y2K, the Ozone hole, nuclear winter, missile gap, read
and Bars will spring back? Very
unlikely. People go to these places not only to eat and drink but
primarily to socialize. If people are social distanced, why go out?
Virus "Experts"?
Who is to say who is an expert when the entire virus is a new event
and nobody has any real understanding what is going on. This is like
the transition period of Eastern Europe from 1989 to 1992, when so
many "leading experts" came from nowhere and gave the
public their speculation with truly disastrous results, causing
massive inflation and economic failure in countries who followed
their "advice".
If you can live for a thousand years, but have to live in a 12x12
foot (3x3 meter) room without ever leaving, would you do it? I prefer
to live life to its fullest and accept the risks. Everything in life
entails a certain risk.
vaccinations? But Why? read
more people die because of the Corona Virus or because of the lockdown? read
as widespread as suggested? read
Governments verses Conservative Governments read
first and family later? read

Frank X. Didik aboard "The
Futurist", anchored in a New York Harbor.
on science, business and society today
Frank X. Didik - editor.
if and what can or might be.

1956 Firebird was
to be self driving.
Driving Cars? If
you have an accident with a self driving car, who is at fault? The
car manufacturer, the owner of the car or the occupant
"driver" of the car? I
have enjoyed owning and driving some of the most interesting cars
made and have always enjoyed the freedom of driving without
impediments or restrictions. Nevertheless, if self driving cars can
help reduce accidents and enhance society, I am for them. Besides the
technical aspects, there are many other issues that must be worked
out. My concerns
regarding self driving cars including liability, safety, morality and
more ...

What ever happened to jet packs, flying cars and advanced technology
that in the past, was predicted that we would be using by today? Why
are bicycles being pushed by cities world wide?
more ...
If people who are protesting are paid to protest, is it really a protest?
If a humanitarian organization is paid for their services, are they
really a humanitarian organization?
If a charity receives most or all of its money from the government,
is it really a charity considering that the tax payer is paying for
their services?
Phone Etiquette
Advice for the modern person -
December 9,
2016 read
to Rethink Bike Lanes
Advice for bicyle based cities
- August
2016 read
school and our education system
everyone attend college
or university?
... read
more ...
college or a university
really teach a person to be a businessman
or an artist or good in any particular field? ...
more ...
come all college undergraduate degree's
require four years?
Should some degrees require only one
year while others perhaps six years? ...
more ...
courses should and should not be taught at college or university? Can
college or a university teach a person how to be a good business
person, or how to be creative? ...
more ...

Logic and intellect is not reliable.
The late Christopher Hitchens often stated that we should rely on our
logic, reason and intellect to determine the truth. Many people who
pride themselves as educated, intelligent and progressive believe the
same. As reasonable as this seems, Galileo proved over 400 years ago
that our logic, reason and intellect is unreliable and that only
direct experimental data, should be relied upon. Galileo had dropped
two balls of the same material, but different masses, from the
Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground
at the same time, rather than the heavier ball hitting the ground
first, as almost everyone, including Aristotle, 2000 years ago, had
assumed. Our logic, reason and intellect is not reliable and should
only be viewed as speculation. Only direct experimentation and
obtaining the same results, over and over again should be relied upon.
What about? ..
Computer Formats and the longevity of our digitally stored
knowledge. Are
we entering into a "pre-history" era? How can we preserve
our computer written records, books, photographs, video and
knowledge? We must have an international agreement and an
organization, perhaps under auspices of the United Nations, dedicated
to preserving our global digital records so that future generations
can access the information and knowledge that we store on computer
readable formats.
you wanted to, would you be able to read a:
1/2" or 5 1/4" or 8" floppy?
or a dvd?
optical disk?
track tape?
punch card?
punch tape?
you can not read these one or two generation old formats today, how
will society be able to read these documents in 200 years from now?
In a few years, our latest computer formats and storage devices, such
as USB drives, will also be obsolete. I have deep concerns about the
longevity of our knowledge and of computer records,
more ...
if the decay rate of elements varies rather than being a constant? Imagine,
if this is the case, it would mean that all archeological dating is
in question. How old are artifacts? When in fact did the dinosaurs
really die out? Further, consider that ...
more ...

is the speed of gravity? If it is instantaneous, then what if
gravity can be modulated? Today
most scientists, assume that the speed of gravity is the same as the
speed of light, but what if the speed of gravity is instantaneous?
Further, if gravity can be modulated, it might allow for
instantaneous universal communication. Thus it might be possible to
communicate with space craft instantly, rather than waiting for
minutes for transmissions to reach the craft or earth. Perhaps
computer chips can be made to operate vastly faster. And this is just
the beginning since
more ...
in Startups. Good idea or bad? Is
investing in a Startup, that has never proven itself in the market
place, a good idea or a waste of money (and talent)? Historically,
investors invested in companies that were swamped with orders and
making money, but needed additional money to ...
more ...
efficient brain-storming method and
how to make morning office meetings more productive and interesting ...
more ...
advertising results
the very best and most effective TV commercials
The single purpose of a television commercial is to sell the product
or service. The fact that an advertisement might be interesting,
funny, informative or well produced is secondary to the main purpose,
which is to sell the product or service. One should never leave the
creation of the television commercial to the television producer or
the video editor. ...
more ...
the most effective business websites Never
let a "web designer" develop the website for you. A web
designer should be produce the website under the supervision of an on
line marketing master, usually working with ...
more ...

is an alternative to population control. Restricting
and discouraging the formation of families in order to stabilize or
reduce population infringes on the freedom and rights of every human.
There is another much better
more ...
the results of modern science. For
the last 100 years, we have been experiencing the collapse of real
science. Theories, speculation and fantasy is the norm today. By
definition, the scientific method is the ability to test and re-test
and always get the same results, over and over. If an idea or a
theory can not be tested, the idea must be viewed as speculation and
not considered true, till that idea is proven without a doubt.
Scientific theory has moved to areas that are beyond our present
capability of testing and gradually a number of unproven theories
have become accepted as fact without any real proof. Further, new
theories have been developed based on old theories. Thus we have a
situation where science today is largely based on theory upon theory.
If something can not be proven, it falls into the realm of philosophy
rather than science. This has led
more ...

if time varies along with all things, rather than being a constant? Consider
more ...
the speed of light vary, even if traveling under the same
conditions, or in other words, is the speed of light really a
constant? According
to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a constant
more ...
and media hype: Any
sudden "revolutionary" scientific discovery, even if such
discovery is written about in every newspaper and scientific journal,
should be greeted with skepticism. Such a discovery should only be
accepted after the bulk of scientists have have had a chance to
review the discovery and confirm that it is in fact correct. Such
things that come to mind include cold fusion, the so called "God
Particle" and even the recent stated discovery of a
"gravitational wave". All too often such media hype has
come and gone without any real discovery or fundamental change.
more ...
percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate
and true? Are we in a post science period? Many
science books today present
more ...
is time to retest scientific properties. Verify results. I
suggest that the properties of all materials be re-tested using
modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling
points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of
materials should be re-tested
more ...
and integrity
in scientific
research is
essential in
order to
advance our knowledge
base. When
a scientist has worked for years to prove a particular theory and
finds out that their work hasbeen in vain, it is difficult to admit
that their original assumptions were wrong. Still it is vitally
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