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PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED: For the historic record, you may wish to donate your historic photograph collection to us. From time to time, we also purchase historic collections of photographs and films covering Japan. We are particularly interested in 8mm and 16mm home movie films of early Japan up to the late 1960's. Also interested in armature and GI occupation photographs from any time period up to the late 1960's. Please send an email to: historic@tokyo1.org with information on what you have available for sale.
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Tokyo1.org You can reach us by e-mail at PRESS@DIDIK.com
LAND Geography - Coastline - Mountains - Volcanoes - Earthquakes -
Rivers - Lakes CLIMATE Pacific Coast Region - Central Highlands -
Inland Sea Region - Japan Sea Region - Northern and Southern Regions
- Plum Rains - Typhoons - When To Go - Climatic Charts WHAT TO TAKE
Clothing Check List - Shoes - Traveling Kit - Toiletries - First Aid
Kit - Contraceptives
Archaeological Finds - Myths - Yamato Period - Nara Period - Heian
Period - Kamakura Period - Muromachi Period - Azuchi-Momoyama Period
- Edo Period - Meiji Restoration - Taisho Period - Showa Era
GOVERNMENT Political Parties - Modern History ECONOMY The
"Economic Miracle" - After WWII - Economic Rebirth - The
Japanese Way - The Unseen Economy
PEOPLE Physical Characteristics - Preconceived Notions - Social
Characteristics - Social Attitudes - How the Japanese See Themselves
- Love, Marriage and Role Models - Sex - Minorities, Misfits and
Counter Cultures - Forever Gaijin RELIGION Shinto - Confucian
Concepts - Buddhism - Zen - Christianity - New Religions - Information
AND CRAFTS Introduction - Fine Arts - Chronology of Arts - Painting -
Ukiyo-e - Handicrafts - Pottery and Ceramics - Shippo yaki -
Damascene - Lacquerware - Mingeihin (Folkcraft) - Museums and Art
Galleries CULTURAL ARTS AND PURSUITS Not; - Kyogen - Kabuki - Bunraku
- Ikebana Chanoyu - Bonsai and Bonkei - Gardens SPORTS AND MARTIAL
ARTS Sumo - Kendo - Karate - Aikido - Judo - Tennis - Baseball -
Skiing - Swimming - Fishing FESTIVALS AND EVENTS Introduction -
National Holidays - Calendar of Events GETTING THERE Information -
Fares - Suggestions - Japanese Airports - By Sea
AND OFFICIALDOM Temporary Landing Visas - Required Visas - Reciprocal
Visa Exemptions - Extensions - Visa Status - Length- of Stay -
Leaving and Reentering - Alien Registration Cards (ARC) - Working in
Japan - Japanese Consulates Abroad GETTING AROUND Domestic-Air
Service - Sample Air Fares - Railways - Sample Railway Fares - Major
Rail Lines - Special Fares - Ferries - Ferry Travel - Sample Ferry
Fares - Buses - Taxis - Automobiles Motorcycles - Hitchhiking -
Cycling - Major Highways - Travel Agents DISTRICTS AND PREFECTURES OF
JAPAN Area Maps ACCOMMODATION Western Hotels - Ryokan - Minshuku -
Youth Hostels - Business Hotels - National Vacation Villages -
Peoples Lodges - Shukubo (Temple Lodgings) - Communes - Sauna Baths -
Camping - Cycling Inns - Love Hotels - Pensions - Long Term Housing
FOOD AND DRINK Helpful. Hints - Noodle Slurping - Where to Eat -
Japanese Eateries - Chain Restaurants - Sushi ya - Street Vendors -
What To Eat - Standards and Cliches - Tea and Soft drinks - Dining
Japanese Style - Alcoholic Beverages - Sake - Tobacco - Drugs -
Sample Food List and Ingredients HEALTH Health Care - Self Help -
Tips - Alternative Health Care - Chinese Medicine - Common Drugs and
Potions - Food and Drink FACTS FIGURES AND PRACTICALITIES Information
Services - JNTO - TIC - Money and Finances - Currency Exchange -
Traveler's Checks - Foreign Exchange Banks - Japanese Money - Credit
Cards - Communications - Print Media - Special Publications -
Bookstores - Telephone - Directories - International Calls -
Telegrams - Post Office - Postal Rates - Receiving Mail -
Electricity, Weights and Measures - Time Zones - Distance, Weight and
Temperature Conversion Charts - Toilets - Shopping Hints - Bargains -
Customs - Tax Free Shops - Discount Stores - Shopping Arcades -
Cameras and Film - Electronic Gizmos - Watches and Calculators -
Housing - Babysitters - Lost and Found - For the Businessperson -
Major Diplomatic Delegations - Etiquette and Conduct - Japanese Bath
(ofuro] - Tatami matting - General Do's and Don'ts - Theft TRAVEL
TOKYO Getting There - Narita and Haneda Airports - Getting Around -
Tokyo Information - Main Areas - Marunouchi - Yurakucho - Ginza -
Shinjuku Yotsuya - Ikebukero - Harajuku - Shibuya - Roppongi -
Akasaka - Ueno - Asakusa - Akihabara - Festivals and Events -
Accomfffodations - Food - Shopping - Cultural and Aesthetic Events -
Guides and Interpreters - For the Businessperson KANTO DISTRICT
Keynote - Introduction - Getting There - Tokyo Vicinity - Narita City
- Kawasaki - Yokohama - Kamakura - Miura-Hanto Peninsula Nikko -
Chuzenji - Mashiko
Introduction - Hakone Area - Mt. Fuji - Fuji Five Lakes - Izu
Peninsula - Seven Isles of Izu - Ogasawara Islands TOHOKU DISTRICT
Introduction - Traveling in Tohoku - Fukushima Prefecture - Ura
Bandai - Miyagi Prefecture - Sendai - Matsushima - Oku Matsushima
Iwate Prefecture - Miyako - Morioka - Hachimantai - Aomori Prefecture
- Aomori City - Lake Towada - Hirosaki - Akita Prefecture - Yamagata
Prefecture CHUBU DISTRICT Introduction - Tokai Region - Nagoya -
Inuyama - Meiji Mura - The Central Highlands - Gifu - Takayama -
Matsumoto - Kamikochi - Nagano - Karuizawa - Hokuriku Region -
Niigata - Sado Island - Toyama - Kanazawa - Noto Peninsula KINKI
DISTRICT Introduction - Kyoto - Lake Biwa - Uji - Hozu Rapids -
Amanohashidate - Nara - Horyuji - Osaka - Kobe - Arima - Himeji - Kii
Peninsula - Yoshino - Mt. Koya - Wakayama - Wakanoura - Ise - Grand
Shrines - Toba - Futami CHUGOKU DISTRICT Introduction - San Yo Region
- Okayama - Bizen - Kasaoka - Kurashiki - Hiroshima Prefecture -
Hiroshima - Miyajima (Itsukushima) - Yamaguchi Prefecture - Yamaguchi
City - Ogori - Tsuwano - Shimonoseki - Kampu Ferry to Korea - Hagi -
San In Region - Matsue - Izumo - Yonago - Mt. Daisen - Oki Islands
THE INLAND SEA Introduction - Getting There - The Sea - Climate -
Places of interest KYUSHU Introduction - Fukuoka Prefecture - Kita
Kyushu - Fukuoka - Saga Prefecture - Karatsu - Iki and Tsushima
Islands - Saga - Imari - Arita - Nagasaki Prefecture - Nagasaki -
Unzen Amakusa National Park - Unzen - Oita Prefecture - Beppu - Oita
- Seki Butsu - Miyazaki Prefecture - Headinc, South - Miyazaki -
Nichinan Coast National Park - Cape Toi - Kumamoto Prefecture -
Kumamoto - Mt. Aso - Kagoshima Prefecture - Kagoshima - Sakurajima -
Osumi Peninsula - Southern Islands - Kirishima Yaku National Park -
Ebino - Mt. Takachiho SHIKOKU Introduction - Kagawa Prefecture -
Takamatsu - Megashima Island - Tadotsu - Zentsuji - Kotohira - Ehime
Prefecture - Matsuyama - Dogo Onsen Fukuoka's Farm - Uwajima Bay -
Uwajima - Yoshida - The South Coast - Sukumo - Kochi - Nakamura -
Katsurahama - Muroto Peninsula - Tokushima Prefecture - Tokushima -
Naruto - Anabuki - Mt. Tsurugi HOKKAIDO Introduction - South of
Sapporo - Hakodate - Onuma - Shikotsu Toya National Park - Lake Toya
- Noboribetsu - Shiraoi - Lake Shikotsu Sapporo - Daisetsuzan
National Park - Nukabira - Mitsumata - Sounkyo Gorge Heading East -
Akan National Park - Hombetsu - Kushiro - Akan Kibbutz - Lake Mashu -
Lake Kucharo - Lake Akan - Abashiri - Shiretoko Peninsula - Along the
Sea of Okhotsk - Mombetsu - North to Wakkanai - Wakkanai - Rebun and
Rishiri Islands OKINAWA DISTRICT Introduction - Naha - Shuri -
Okinawa Island - Nanbu - Itoman - Gyakusendo Caves - Heading North on
Okinawa Island - Okinawa City (Koza) -- Kadena AFB - Moon Beach -
Along the West Coast - Nago - Hedo Point - Motobu Peninsula - le Jima
- The Southwest Islands - Miyako - Ishigaki - Iriomote APPENDIX The
Japanese Language - Tips - Pronunciation Key- Basic Grammar - Numbers
- Useful Phrases - Getting Acquainted - Politeness - Question Words -
Telling Time - Months - Weeks - Days - Seasons - Directions -
Transportation - Helpful Transport Phrases - Trekking - Hitchhiking -
Accommodations - Youth Hostels - Post Office - Restaurants and Food -
Shopping - Emergency - Basic Vocabulary Written
Language Hiragana - Katakana
soon: over 75,000 historic, never published, images of Japan
photographed prior to 1950